Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Ethics and business...sounds boring but very important!

"I won't post your child's photos all over the internet....for a fee."

Where does this mentality come from with photographers? I've seen it a few times and it's usually frowned upon. Yet...it's out there and I just shake my head.

I completely understand if a photographer is portfolio building in the very beginning stages and does free sessions in exchange for using the photographs. I do several sessions that you will never see because some families just don't want their faces on social media. Whether it be for regular privacy concerns, going through an adoption, going through a divorce...there are just SO many reasons why a client might not want their images used. And that is OK. Let me repeat, THAT IS OK!

I am not here to portfolio build, I have other clients that don't mind their images being used. Yes I've had sessions where I am absolutely itching to use the photographs for marketing but if the parents are against it, it's a no go and I DO NOT PUSH the matter. There will be others that are fine with posting images.

If I have a setup that I absolutely NEED photos of to show clients, I'll use my own daughter. Actually, she's my number 1 model.

So my take on the situation is this. You hire me as a photographer. I do my job and photograph your event or family. I work for you. Not the other way around. So you, as a paying clienthave every right to tell me you do not want your photos online. Period. Not every photographer will agree with this, and if it works for them then so be it. But for me, I would rather have clients that know I respect their privacy and their wishes that will continue to use me through the years because I care about their feelings more than I care about padding my own portfolio.

Mobile, Alabama Photographer

©Lyn Taylor Photography 2015


  1. *slow clap*

    This was beautifully written and very well put. I love how dedicated you are to delivering a quality service to your clients. Mobile, Alabama is very lucky to have you.
